Welcome message from Jamsheed sensei
I am proudly introducing our new representatives in the continent of America to the JSKA family Sensei Ali Najafi (Vancouver) Sensei Babak Soutodeh (Toronto) Sensei Samir Baccouche ( Quebec) Sensei …
Sensei Jamsheed is the person who opened the door to my longstanding connection with Iran and Iranian karate and he is a man who holds a position of deep interdependence with me. There is no doubt in everyone’s mind that Iranian Karate is playing the most important role in world karate today, and I think that it can be said that he is one of the karateka whose great achievements have made irrefutable impacts on its development.
I have enjoyed many good talks about karate and other related subjects such as Nihonto( Japanese sword), laido ( the art of drawing the Japanese sword). He in turn taught me to hunt and we became friends both in public and in private. When I left the Japan Karate Association and established my own association the JSKA, he was the first to offer me support and he has my full gratitude, thanks and respect for his profound friendship and strong beliefs. Thanks to him the JSKA has grown to be one of the few karate organizations that hold worldwide championships each year around the world.
It was great fortune to meet him during my karate life.
This book, which should include his excellent karate technique and noble personality, will be a treasure for many karetaka. I sincerely pray that Sensei Jamsheed will be more and more active in the continuing development of world karate.
Congratulations on your new book publication!
6 February in Matsuyama
Abe Keigo