Khosro Taghva is an Iranian Karate Master, who began to be fascinated by Martial Arts when he
was a child. Later he went to Italy to continue Karate Shotokan studies, in JKA World Federation
with Shirai Sensei. Taghva became an instructor some years after that.
He entered the SKI World Federation and continued training under several Japanese Masters and
then became the Technical Director of the Region of Lazio and remained in this federation until he
received his 5th Dan. With great passion as well as mental and physical commitment, he continued to coach his students to be instructors and reach a high level of technical and competitive skills in Karate. In 2005 Taghva entered JSKA World Federation directed by Abe Sensei.
In this Federation, he won gold medals in
the world championships in Master category. His instructors and students have ranked among the
best for many years and have kept the Italian flag flying high in the World and European
championships. Taghva holds an 8th Dan and is the Chief instructor of JSKA – Italy.